Preserve your art collection by using Bruynzeel’s art storage system


Preserve your art collection by using Bruynzeel’s art storage system

The most important principle when designing an art storage facility is to preserve the irreplaceable art collection, whilst keeping every single piece accessible at all times. Constantly growing art collections in a world in which natural resources and space are scarce assets make it important to think about efficient use of every single square feet available. Did you know that you could reduce your storage space by up to 75%? Less space used for art racks means more room for your collection, a decrease in costs per square feet and a substantial positive impact on your footprint.

New trend in art storage: visible storage. Open up!

New trend in art storage: visible storage. Open up! 

Typically up to 90% of an art collection is stored in the depot. Smart space storage systems enable seamless integration of secure, sustainable art storage with increased visibility of artworks.  A creative way to display art, enabling the public to also discover the hidden treasures of every collection.

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 Centralized storage system – the art of collaboration

Centralised storage system – the art of collaboration

Do you require multiple collections from different museums or institutions stored in one central facility? Do you require a perfect way to share resources in collection management and to use space in the most efficient way. Our museum experts will be pleased to inspire you with projects implemented all over the world. 

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Who are we?

Who are we? We are:

  • Your guiding hand during the design phase of your art storage facility  
  • Your advisor in organising your space and collection in the best possible way
  • A collaborative partner during the whole process, from planning to design to installation and service 
  • The missing link between your concerns and safe art storage
  • Your source of inspiration with 100’s of projects installed globally 
  • The world’s most environmentally friendly provider of space creating solutions
  • That one resource in your project team you can always call 


Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, The Netherlands

151,000 art objects are safely and permanently stored by Bruynzeel’s art storage system

The rectangular art racks had to find a place within the spherical shape of the museum. Only with a sophisticated art storage system you can store 151,000 artefacts of all shapes and sizes in the available space. Bruynzeel has been entrusted with that.

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The Wilson Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, England

The Wilson Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, England

High quality archive and art storage

‘Bruynzeel has helped to provide access to archival material that would not otherwise be made available to the public.’

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