Product Families
About Bruynzeel
Healthcare is all about service and the wellbeing of patients. Every single process within any healthcare institution should contribute to that. So how can an efficient and space creating storage system help? With our smart floor space storage solutions you have the capacity to store up to 100% more compared to traditional static shelving systems and cabinets. Or you can decrease the floor space needed for healthcare storage with by up to 75%. This allows not only for more room for patients, but also has a significant impact on the environmental footprint of your organization.
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Onze Lieve Vrouwhospitaal Aalst, Belgium
With the installation of a Compactus® Dynamic mobile storage system, Bruynzeel was able to double the existing hospital storage capacity. The system is safe and secure: with the possibility to safely store confidential information using PIN codes.
Skåne University Hospital, Sweden
Skåne University Hospital re-organized their storage for surgical equipment and anaesthesia supplies. Two mobile high density shelving systems gave them the possibility to store everything in one room, with a new layout that increased their efficiency.