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About Bruynzeel
Press Release
Bruynzeel Storage Systems has helped to refurbish the library at the world-renowned University of St Andrews in Scotland. The library of St Andrews is one of the largest and oldest research libraries in the UK. The university was founded in 1413 and the impressive library has a collection of more than a million books, some of which date back to the early 15th century. The mobile shelving provided is one of the first large-scale projects with Bruynzeel GreenSteel®. This steel has the lowest CO2 impact currently available. Bruynzeel is market leader and the world's most sustainable producer of storage systems for libraries and museums.
The University of St Andrews consciously chose Bruynzeel GreenSteel®. This steel produces CO2 savings of more than 90% compared to the usual standard in the market. This currently makes it the most sustainable steel. To offer this, Bruynzeel is currently collaborating with Arcelor Mittal and their accredited XCarb® certificates. The next goal is to be able to use hydrogen-produced steel within the next 7 years - Bruynzeel GreenSteel® 2.0. This represents the next major step towards climate-neutral steel. Bruynzeel's ambition is to significantly increase its production mix with GreenSteel® in the coming years.
Bruynzeel systems have the lowest CO2 footprint in the industry because the company has been climate-neutral in its own operations (Scope 1 and 2, GHG protocol³) since 2021, audited and assured by Deloitte. As part of the focus on continuous improvements, energy consumption per product produced was reduced by more than 10% last year. This fits with Bruynzeel's ambition as 'The Footprint Reduction Company' to further strengthen its position as the most sustainable producer in the coming years. Bruynzeel has committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi4) to achieve 'Net Zero' for Scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2045.
Note¹: https: //www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/building-sector-emissions-hit-record-high-low-carbon-pandemic
Note²: https://rdt-bruynzeel.com/about-bruynzeel/sustainability
Note³: https://ghgprotocol.org/sites/default/files/standards/ghg-protocol-revised.pdf
Note4: https://sciencebasedtargets.org/companies-taking-action#table