
Bruynzeel accelerates its ambition to reach Net Zero by latest 2035 and shares updated CSR policy


Bruynzeel accelerates Net Zero ambition by latest 2035 and publishes its updated csr policy

Today marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a sustainable future! We are proud to unveil our updated CSR policy, which represents our commitments towards making a positive impact on the world. The CSR policy outlines our journey towards Net Zero 2035, highlighting our priorities and initiatives. From environmental stewardship to social responsibility and corporate governance, this policy summarizes our holistic approach towards creating a healthy planet, aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Download our CSR policy

Accelerated Net Zero Ambition – from 2045 to 2035

As part of our updated CSR policy, we're proud to announce our accelerated Net Zero Journey! Our new ambition is to reach Net Zero by latest 2035, a remarkable 15 years ahead of the Paris climate agreement and 10 years earlier than our previous commitment (Net Zero by latest 2045) in 2021. This bold move signifies our dedication to lead the change towards a sustainable future! Learn more about this in the CSR policy.

Alexander Collot d'Escury- CEO Bruynzeel Storage Systems.jpg

"In a world where we see continuously growing populations and where space is a valuable and scarce asset, the need for space saving solutions and how to use space in the most sustainable and efficient way is vital. We recognize that our company has an important part to play in helping organizations worldwide to reduce their physical and environmental footprint.

I am pleased to introduce our updated CSR Policy, showcasing our achievements and outlining our commitments, priorities, and initiatives towards our journey to Net Zero 2035. I believe that this framework represents a crucial step towards an ESG centric business model aligned with the UN SDGs."

Alexander Collot d'Escury - CEO of Bruynzeel Storage Systems 
