Dynamic II Control MAster®

Dynamic II ControlMaster

Remotely control your Dynamic II system

Experience the convenience of Control Master functionality with our Compactus® Dynamic II mobile shelving systems. With the Dynamic II ControlMaster® app, users can effortlessly open the correct aisle using a mobile phone or tablet. Plus, integrated light collection management system functionalities add to the seamless user experience. Discover the ease of use and enhanced functionality we bring to our customers with this innovative feature.


Control master® leaflet

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Dynamic II ControlMaster

Multiple System Control

With the Dynamic II ControlMaster® app, you can remotely control multiple systems effortlessly. Our Compactus® Dynamic II systems offer seamless integration into your company network or connection to a standalone router. Through Wi-Fi connectivity, multiple users can access the shelving system simultaneously. To ensure safety, the system permits opening only one aisle at a time, utilizing Photocells and our SafetyMaster® technology to safeguard users and inventory.

Dynamic II ControlMaster

Inventory Management System

The Dynamic II ControlMaster® app includes an advanced inventory system. Easily add inventory to each side of the aisle and conveniently determine which aisle to open directly from within the app. Accelerate your search process with a built-in search function, enabling you to locate the correct aisle even more swiftly. The inventory list is securely stored within the Dynamic II system, ensuring consistency across all users connected to the system. Additionally, inventory within protected aisles is only accessible to users with the appropriate access privileges.

Safety Master

Safety Master®

While remote operation of a system can pose safety concerns, our SafetyMaster® ensures the safety of both users and inventory. This advanced feature checks if an aisle is empty before initiating any movement of the system. If a person or object is detected within the aisle, the SafetyMaster® automatically activates the Visual Safety procedure to safeguard users and inventory. With SafetyMaster®, you can operate your system with confidence, knowing that safety is our top priority.

Advice on controlmaster® 

Curious about how ControlMaster® works? Reach out to us today to uncover the secrets behind our cutting-edge safety technology. 

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